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Never allow anyone to tantalize you with burgers

It is obvious that a great burger will induce the deep craving in anybody, either in a child or an adult. You must be the crazy person for burger when you are living in New York or in any western countries. At the entire road food stall, we can see many types of burgers which presented in most delicious manner. But finding the real burger with the restaurant taste will be really a great hunt for anybody who loves to have it.

It’s easy now to munch your own burger

Many people are here to eat and set the burger in their own. But they re do not know about how to prepare it. It is really not so difficult thing in order to prepare the burger of your own. Just with the help of burger you are in need to prepare it with most delicious manner. Are you interested in buying the new microwave for your kitchen? Then you are going to be the luckiest in this time. Why because? Many people are longing for having their own burgers, hot dogs and other Chinese foods. But they are unable to prepare it due to lack of best microwave.

Microwave the frozen burgers

For microwave your frozen burgers, you just in need for these following things

  • Microwave soft place– note that the plate should be deep enough to prevent leaks.
  • One frozen burger– it can be one or more as you need
  • A plastic wrapper– to cover the burger while heating in microwave
  • Toothpicks– this is to holding the wrap which is covering the burgers
  • Get one food thermometer– this is to check the temperature

Things to add on burger for spices in the special burger are you need to know before serving. Here are the lists to be added on the burger while you are going to serve the delicious special spicy burgers. Then you should know about how to cook it and then get the better solution in making it and follow the right path that are really important for you to get the final burgers in better ways.

One spoon salt , one spoon black pepper, one spoon garlic powder, one spoon paprika, one spoon light brown sugar, 2 spoon dried minced onion, half spoon dried basil, Half spoon crushed red pepper are these things are very essential to be added in the burger for best spices.

For having better results, the hole should be made in the burger so that it will cook well inside. But in some cases, the burger will cook even without making the hole as it depends on the cooking style of individual. Just click here to read about how to microave burgers the correct way and have your happy burger.