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Piling Contractor London

Top Construction Piling Industry Tactics

In the Construction industry, piling methods and tactics are used by the contractors to ensure the quality sturdiness of the structure. The method is not regularly used in the creation of all kind of foundations but only where the soil and land demands. In some parts of a region, the soil can have more moisture and thus would be less capable of holding a foundation. While in the other parts, such a requirement would never arise because of the solid stability of the soil to withhold any structure. Thereby, in moisture and water retaining land, piling methods can work wonders in securing and fixing the construction site before building any infrastructure on it. In this article, we will discuss some top piling methods in the construction industry used by engineers. 

Driven Pile 

The driven pile is one of the most public tactics of top Piling Contractor London who use piles fabricated by using timber, concrete, and steel to drive them into the soil by using a piling hammer. Doing so will support the soil to develop solidity and surge its thickness. Thus, helping the soil to increase its holding capacity. However, doing the same process in silty soil will not work due to being extremely slippery due to water and poor drainage feature. 

Cast-in-situ Foundation

Cast-in-situ piles are fabricated by using concrete. The engineers in these tactics will not make use of prefabricated piles as they did in driven piles, but dig holes in the ground by using heavy machinery and place steel to strengthen the ground and then seal them by pouring enough concrete. They are known for being less hostile and thus making less sound in places unlike driven in piles. They are also known for being impervious to different environmental disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc. 

Top Construction Piling Industry

Driven and Cast-in-situ  

Both Driven and Cast-in-situ in combination can also be used by the Piling Contractor London who will then use steel piles and hammer them into the ground like in driven piles and secure them further with concrete. Such a combination allows engineers to style the top use of both approaches and retain advantages from both processes. 

Screw Piles 

As the name proposes, screw piles are fabricated of steel and are screwed down to the ground instead of being beaten down like in the case of driven piles. Due to the different ways of insertion, these produce less noise. They are possibly easy to mount and favoured in areas which are populated. Further, they can be used in any kind of soil owing to their versatility. 


Piling methods are used by contractors to help the soil and ground get a better foundation. Doing so will enable the soil to withhold any structure with strength, intensity, and assurance.