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The Importance Of Septic Tank Cleaning

If you live in a house that isn’t connected to a public sewage system, chances are you have a septic tank at home. A septic tank is a very important part of plumbing, but people often forgo its maintenance. this shouldn’t be the case as things can get quite messy once this part of the residential sewage system breaks.

What is a Septic Tank and How Does it Work?

The most basic characteristic of a standard septic tank is that it is made from a highly durable material. Most septic tanks are made from heavy-duty plastic, metal, or precast concrete. Septic tanks are made to separate liquid from solid waste. It holds onto the latter and allows wastewater to exit from the property.

Tanks have different capacities that range from 1,000 to 1,500 gallons of wastewater. Older models only have one compartment while newer ones are made with two to three. Despite these differences, septic tanks function similarly.

Wastewater enters an inlet situated on the side of the tank. When it arrives inside, the wastewater is broken down by the bacteria inside it. Once this process is done, the waste is transformed into three different layers: the scum, the sludge, and the effluent.

The scum is the solid waste that floats at the very top of the waste. The sludge, or the inorganic solid waste,then sink down to the very bottom of the tank. Right in the middle of these two is the effluent or the treated wastewater in its liquid form. This part of the waste is processed for release into the environment through an outlet that is connected to a drainage system.

4 Reasons Why Septic Tanks Should Be Cleaned

A septic tank in good working condition is ideal for all types of households. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case as some people forget to have their septic tank cleaned. Maintenance of this part of the sewage system is critical for your household for several reasons, including:

  1. Maintain Health and Wellness

Septic tanks emit bad odors and backup when it isn’t cleaned regularly. In fact, there are some instances where an unmaintained septic tank can cause potential health risks to you and your family. This is because the substances contained in the tank have viruses, bacteria, and even worms that cause dozens of illnesses. These harmful pathogens lead to various diseases such as typhoid, paratyphoid, cholera, bacillary dysentery, and gastroenteritis.

  1. Avoid Financial Risks

A broken septic tank is a financial risk to your household. Health-wise, backed up tanks can cause a lot of money for medical bills as pathogens contained in it can escape and harm people inside and around your abode.On top of that, a broken septic tank can be costly to repair. There may also be a time that you might need to replace it altogether and have to pay for the damage to your yard as well.

Because of this, it is imperative that you have your septic tank cleaned regularly to avoid the accumulation of both sludge and scum.

  1. Boosted Septic Tank Efficiency

Septic tanks are only efficient when they are maintained and cleaned periodically. This will not only extend its lifespan but will also make it work smoothly for years to come. This way, you can avoid buildup of sludge that can lead to total system failure.

  1. Prevent Ecosystem Disruption

Regular scum and sludge removal can also protect the environment from contamination. Untreated sewage water contains nitrogen which can cause algae to grow. Once this finds its way through local waterways because of a clogged septic tank, the algae can disrupt the natural ecosystem around your home by stealing sunlight from plants.

Companies like BBB Septic Solution offer top-of-the-line septic tank cleaning services. To learn more about their septic tank cleaning service, you can proceed to this resource page.